6th Grade LA: The Journey

Image Above: Homemade books

Welcome to one of my final blog posts, in this I will be talking about some of the major events during my 6th grade Language Arts class. Well I’ll start out with this book we started reading earlier in the year, a book called The Last Cuentista. This book takes place in a dystopian future where the earth is about to explode and a few people are chosen to go to a new planet, this will take a while so the passengers are placed in stasis and are watched by monitors. About 350 years later, our main character, a would be story teller, wakes up and finds that the monitors became conformists and killed all the passengers except for some kids who get numbers for names. Our main character does not like this so she tries to leave. The main theme of this story is about what a world would be like without story. This also gives an idea of what a world be like if culture didn’t exist and nobody has any identity. This is a very dystopian idea and it shows how everybody is sad if they don’t have and personality or any way to express themselves.

So next up in the year was a fun challenge that was sort of derived from The Last Cuentista where we got to design our own ideal world. I have the feeling many of my classmates probably didn’t want to make a world ideal for themselves, they just made a fun world concept. I did that as well, I created a very fantastical world of a bunch of floating sky islands based off of different landscapes, I was also simultaneously sort of designing a game, you would sort of see this if you were to read the text I wrote about it on another blog post. This was very fun and led to the next major event.

Our final major event mentioned in this post is the making of our own books in a very collage sort of way. We were making the books based off of our ideal world projects where we made a collage that represented our ideal world. I made a collage of a city called castle town mentioned in my full ideal world blog post. Later we also added the ideal world text into the books.

So that was some of the events that occurred during my 6th grade Language Arts class, they were all very fun experiences that taught me many new things about storytelling and creativity. See you next time on Cabel’s Time On Earth.